Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Somewhere Jesus is Crying

Maybe that was a little to much.  But I'm not sure.

I already had a post planned for today and I have no idea what it is or whether it's posted or not because for some reason Blogger wants me to be on Pacific time and I don't know how that works.
But then I saw this article and I couldn't help but jump onto my blog and ask all of my fabulous readers Bluzdude - What the fuck*?!

Somewhere in the God forsaken state of North Carolina, a pastor - A fucking Pastor - told his congregation to "beat the gay" out of their children.

I am not shitting you - There's even a video** (really it's a picture and then the audio of the stupid, fucking bigot pastor's tirade).  I could not even make this shit up.

And that's not even to mention how this guy tells all these ignorant cheering child abusers parents that girls must be beautiful in order to be girls or how he offers a "Special Dispensation" for these people to abuse their kids.

Seriously?  You called up God and had this conversation with Him:

Idiot Pastor:  Hey God, it's me Sean.

God:  I'm aware.  What can I do for you today Pastor Harris? (because I'm sure God is very polite and correct)

Idiot Pastor:  I want to give my congregation a special dispensation from you to beat the gay out of their kids.

God:  Pastor Harris, that is a fabulous plan.  I'll have Gabriel bring down that signed dispensation right away.

Idiot Pastor: Thank you God, that's amazing of You.

I don't think so.  I think it went more along the lines of this.

Idiot Pastor:  Hey God, it's me Sean.


Idiot Pastor:  I want to give my congregation a special dispensation from you to beat the gay out of their kids, if you agree say nothing.


Idiot Pastor: Thank you God, that's amazing of You.

You are not able to give a special dispensation for shit that you know God would not approve of.  And unless you are delusional (which I'm not sure you aren't) then you can tell from reading The New Testament that there is no way in Hell that Jesus would have tried to beat the gay out of someone.

Even if Jesus was anti-homosexuality (which I'm not positive he was) then He would have sat down to a big ass dinner with all the queers and gently "healed" them or maybe just discussed and explained and tried to convince them of the error of their ways.

And if that didn't work, He would have thanked them for the food and then left them the Hell alone.

Because that's how Jesus worked.  It's in the flipping Bible.

Let me be real clear here.  I beat my kids.  But for things like lying, stealing, slapping sisters too much and failing a class.  You know, shit they can control.  Beating your child for being who they are - the person God made them to be - is cruel and unusual punishment, and it is absolutely child abuse.

And the God and Jesus I know are looking at you from heaven and saying:

What the FUCK?!?

*I am actually aware that I am using all kinds of profanities in a post about Jesus and God and the Bible and Gabriel.  But in this particular instance, I think God and Jesus and Gabriel are fine with it.  Because seriously - when people try to justify stupid, cruel and/or horrible things in Their name, I'm pretty sure that Jesus, God and even Gabriel all have some serious potty mouths.

** I totally stole this video from another blog - Good As You - which actually looks incredibly cool and I am now going over to read it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have much to add... you said it pretty well. Jesus would be appalled at what people do in His name. I don't remember the Bible saying anything about tax cuts for the rich and a strong national defense, while cutting aid to the poor.


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